Christel Heidemann Academy

Meridian and colour therapy 

Approximately 40 years ago Christel Heidemann (connective tissue massage teacher) discovered that reflector zones of the connective tissue were connected to meridians and acupuncture points. In addition to this she discovered that the connective tissue, the meridians and the acupuncture points could be influenced by colours. Christel Heidemann researched this connection based on the spiritual science of Rudolf Steiner. From this she developed a therapy, connecting eastern and western science: meridian and colour therapy.

With meridian and colour therapy structuring of physical processes of a human being is crucial for the healing process. In order to do this we use the connective-tissue-touch-method* as a diagnostic and monitoring aid. The acupuncture points serve as access points. By means of silk dyed by natural pigments, the cosmic forces and the human etheric body are joined in order to heal the physical body.

The possible uses for meridian and colour therapy are versatile. It can basically be used for any illness or as a preventative treatment and it has proven effective with the following examples:

  • Pain management
  • Scar treatment
  • Support during carcinoma treatment
  • Fatigue / exhaustion
  • Mental crisisses
  • Illnesses of unclear origin involving a significant loss of vitality
  • Chronic illnesses

Meridian and colour therapy is a supportive structuring therapy which supports the self-regulating of the organism. Children and pain-sensitive patients experience the non-invasive influencing of acupuncture points as beneficial.

*The connective-tissue-touch-method is a versatile method in order to determine the therapeutical starting point, for therapeutic monitoring and examining the disturbance field or the testing of medications. It also gives insight concerning the connection of the processes of the illness in the individual and points the way in the process of development and recovery.