Christel Heidemann Academy
About the International academy of meridian and colour therapy
Christel Heidemann
Christel Heidemann has taught meridian therapy since 1969. This led to the founding of the Internationale Akademie fur Meridian und Farbtherapie in 1996. When she passed away in 1998, the courses were continued by Barbara Frerich. Cees Tjeerdema is responsible for the Dutch Internationale academie voor meridiaan- en kleurentherapie (International academy of meridian and colour therapy). The meridian therapy course is a continuation course for people who have already completed a basic medical education, like doctors, physiotherapists, acupuncturists, naturopaths, skin therapists, and hbo*-nurses. This is an hbo*-level course. (*hbo is a Dutch form of higher education)
There is a professional association of meridian therapy according to Christel Heidemann based in The Netherlands.
Advisory Council
The International academy of meridian and colour therapy is supported by an Advisory Council. The advisers are Dr. Thomas Rogalli, gynaecologist and Dr. Jan Pieter van der Steen, anthroposophic doctor and geriatrician.
The meridian and colour therapy course is accredited by the Nederlandse Werkgroep van Praktizijns (NWP).
The Academy is audited and recognized by the CRKBO (
We are registered at the register voor kortdurend beroepsonderwijs (register of short-term professional education) and are exempt from VAT.
After testing your knowledge and skills you will receive a course certificate which proves you attended the International academy of meridian and colour therapy. This certificate is accepted by the Verband Meridian- und Farbtherapie Christel Heidemann e. V. and the NBMK (Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging Meridiaan- kleurentherapie) as proof of quality and proof for gaining study credits.